2023 - 2024

Toddlerpillar Apocalypse Graphic Novel

The Toddlerpillars have escaped their diabolic caretakers to bring about the dawning of a New Age! However, will the corruption of the Lonely ‘Pillar spell Doom for humanity? Join the High Priest and his Acolytes as they hasten to save the world from a Surreal Nightmare of Kaiju-sized proportions! Watch reality itself break down, as pocket dimensions open up like inconvenient manholes into even stranger realities. Ectoplasmic visions, Sentient fungi, evangelical madmen, catatonic killers and psycho-active gland juice abounds in this Psychedelic and Alchemical adventure from the minced brains of artists Christopher Ulrich, Tim Molloy & Jon Beinart.

Our 100 page psychedelic graphic novel Toddlerpillar Apocalypse will be published in 2024. Join our email list to be notified when it is available.

Custom Vinyl Toys & Group Exhibitions

Beinart Gallery hosted a Toddlerpillars sculpture show in October 2023 with over 60 participating artists. The exhibition attracted thousands of visitors and many of the works were sold. You can still view and purchase works from the exhibition via Beinart Gallery’s website.

This group show was a curated collection of submitted works following a global call for artists to modify blank vinyl Toddlerpillar toys with sculpted and/or painted elements. We received so many incredible submissions that the successful entries were divided into two huge group shows at two different venues, Beinart Gallery & Dollhouse Gallery.

The first show, at Beinart Gallery, was curated by Jon Beinart and featured both world-renowned and extraordinary emerging artists from all over the world, including Australia.

The second show, at Dollhouse Gallery, was curated by the team at This is Not a Toy Store and exhibited stand-out locals from the custom toy community and beyond.

Join our email list for updates about future custom toy exhibitions & collectable Toddlerpillar & Chimerapillar toy releases.

Beyond 2024

More Custom Vinyl Toys & Group Exhibitions

We will create modular Toddlerpillar & Chimerapillar vinyl toys for artists to customise for future group exhibitions. These collectable toys will have interchangeable animal and baby parts.

Long Term Vision of An Animated Series

We’ll pitch the Toddlerpillar Apocalypse graphic novel to various animation studios and production companies with the aim to develop our story into an animated series.